• Saturday, 21. September 2024 02:21

eventicon63 Naxxramas, 4. December 2022 17:19

Trash Mob, Flickwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius, Anub'Rekhan, Großwitwe Faerlina, Maexxna, Noth der Seuchenfürst, Heigan der Unreine, Loatheb, Instrukteur Razuvious, Gothik der Seelenjäger, Die Vier Reiter, Saphiron, Kel'Thuzad

Attendees 33

Items 63

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
Abraham icon Breastplate of the Lost Conqueror T7 2 % 0.00
Berama icon Mantle of the Locusts T7 0 % 0.00
Butter icon Crown of the Lost Vanquisher T7 1 % 50.00
Butter icon Bindings of the Expansive Mind T7 0 % 0.00
Caelestis icon Burdened Shoulderplates T7 0 % 0.00
Caelestis icon Pauldrons of Unnatural Death T7 0 % 0.00
Caelestis icon Sand-Worn Band T7 1 % 0.00
Darynn icon Sinner's Bindings T7 0 % 30.00
disenchanted icon Gothik's Cowl T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Iron-Spring Jumpers T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Tunic of Masked Suffering T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Thunderstorm Amulet T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Icy Blast Amulet T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Gloves of the Dancing Bear T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Noble Birthright Pauldrons T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Cowl of Innocent Delight T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Mantle of the Lost Protector T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Gauntlets of Guiding Touch T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Mantle of the Lost Conqueror T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Ousted Bead Necklace T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Boots of Forlorn Wishes T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Gloves of Peaceful Death T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Idol of the Shooting Star T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Lost Jewel T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Digested Silken Robes T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Sand-Worn Band T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Headpiece of Fungal Bloom T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Gloves of Calculated Risk T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Boots of Septic Wounds T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Cloak of the Shadowed Sun T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Spaulders of Incoherence T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Helm of the Grave T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Bone-Inlaid Legguards T7 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Cult's Chestguard T7 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Widow's Fury T7 0 % 0.00
Dornenrosé icon Seized Beauty T7 1 % 30.00
Dornenrosé icon Bands of Impurity T7 0 % 30.00
Dornenrosé icon Cape of the Unworthy Wizard T7 0 % 0.00
Granti icon Leggings of Mortal Arrogance T7 1 % 0.00
Granti icon Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris T7 2 % 30.00
Hallina icon Crown of the Lost Conqueror T7 1 % 0.00
Hazechen icon Dying Curse T7 1 % 60.00
Iceball icon Legplates of the Lost Protector T7 1 % 0.00
Iceball icon Soul of the Dead T7 0 % 0.00
Iceball icon Breastplate of the Lost Protector T7 1 % 0.00
Morgoh icon Idol of Worship T7 0 % 0.00
Morgoh icon Origin of Nightmares T7 0 % 0.00
Narazzil icon Mantle of the Lost Protector T7 1 % 0.00
Narazzil icon Breastplate of the Lost Protector T7 1 % 0.00
Nhyssa icon Depraved Linked Belt T7 0 % 30.00
Nhyssa icon Grotesque Handgrips T7 0 % 40.00
Nikko icon Helm of Vital Protection T7 0 % 0.00
Nikko icon Inexorable Sabatons T7 0 % 0.00
Nikko icon Cryptfiend's Bite T7 0 % 0.00
Ninaasu icon Boundless Ambition T7 1 % 0.00
Ninaasu icon Libram of Tolerance T7 0 % 0.00
Sanctira icon Poignant Sabatons T7 0 % 40.00
Sanctira icon Shroud of Luminosity T7 0 % 30.00
Sanctira icon Faceguard of the Succumbed T7 0 % 50.00
Sarelidk icon Zeliek's Gauntlets T7 0 % 40.00
Sarelidk icon Ablative Chitin Girdle T7 0 % 0.00
Sarelidk icon Inevitable Defeat T7 0 % 0.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 6 Priest
Abraham, Berama, Dornenrosé, Xashi
class 8 Shaman
Arystîn, Bullsrock, Iceball, Narazzil
class 1 Death Knight
Azmok, Macanton, Sarelidk
class 4 Mage
Butter, Devoid, Lûcký, Renih
class 10 Warrior
Caelestis, Nikko
class 7 Rogue
Darynn, Undone
class 9 Warlock
Granti, Karras, Sarlorc, Wunderkind
class 5 Paladin
Hallina, Ninaasu, Perea, Sanctira
class 2 Druid
Hazechen, Morgoh, Nexaria, Pewpewmuhkuh
class 3 Hunter
Nhyssa, Penryn


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