• Saturday, 21. September 2024 02:51

eventicon9 Naxx, 23. March 2021 19:04

Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvester, Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, Loatheb, Thaddius, Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina, Maexxna

Attendees 41

Items 32

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
Bozan icon Touch of Frost Naxx 0 % 0.00
Vinyard icon Icy Scale Coif Naxx 1 % 0.00
Cadmar icon Desecrated Helmet Naxx 2 % 0.00
Milkaonice icon Glacial Headdress Naxx 1 % 0.00
Saulius icon Severance Naxx 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Ring of the Eternal Flame Naxx 1 % 0.00
Cadmar icon Desecrated Gauntlets Naxx 2 % 0.00
Cadmar icon Desecrated Waistguard Naxx 2 % 0.00
Cadmar icon Desecrated Bracers Naxx 2 % 0.00
Tanyah icon Cloak of the Scourge Naxx 1 % 0.00
Mangero icon Splinter of Atiesh Naxx 10 % 2.00
Mangero icon Splinter of Atiesh Naxx 10 % 2.00
Mangero icon Splinter of Atiesh Naxx 10 % 2.00
Mangero icon Splinter of Atiesh Naxx 10 % 2.00
Mangero icon Splinter of Atiesh Naxx 10 % 2.00
Æxít icon Toxin Injector Naxx 1 % 20.00
Morticana icon Wand of the Whispering Dead Naxx 1 % 20.00
Lokiluke icon Desecrated Belt Naxx 1 % 30.00
Mende icon Desecrated Bindings Naxx 2 % 30.00
Jonedrima icon Maexxna's Fang Naxx 1 % 30.00
Inkubar icon Desecrated Sandals Naxx 2 % 40.00
Bozan icon Desecrated Boots Naxx 2 % 40.00
Krawusel icon Desecrated Sabatons Naxx 1 % 40.00
Umbráx icon Leggings of Polarity Naxx 1 % 50.00
Rehni icon Desecrated Legplates Naxx 2 % 50.00
Asapz icon Desecrated Circlet Naxx 1 % 50.00
Geilerwurf icon Desecrated Shoulderpads Naxx 1 % 50.00
Vruusia icon Rime Covered Mantle Naxx 0 % 50.00
Bozan icon Desecrated Spaulders Naxx 2 % 50.00
Gorgoth icon Desecrated Gauntlets Naxx 2 % 50.00
Vinyard icon Desecrated Legguards Naxx 1 % 50.00
Xoraja icon The Widow's Embrace Naxx 1 % 60.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 10 Warrior
Apokaluzie, Cadmar, Calypson, Deathicy, Doctórwhite, Dukuahdu, Keromah, Muhammad, Rehni, Saulius, Tanyah, Æxít
class 6 Priest
Arogan, Asapz, Geilerwurf, Lokiluke, Mende, Moggaspriest, Morticana
class 9 Warlock
Blechlugie, Inkubar, Mangero
class 8 Shaman
Bozan, Cooruu, Fizzlebäng, Gebuttert, Proc, Schamtall
class 2 Druid
Goosy, Serax, Xoraja
class 7 Rogue
Gorgoth, Jonedrima, Krawusel, Schmogh
class 4 Mage
Milkaonice, Mistbritschn, Umbráx, Vruusia
class 3 Hunter
Penryn, Vinyard


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