• Tuesday, 11. March 2025 07:58

eventicon82 Eiskronenzitadelle, 14. April 2024 18:50

Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Valithria Traumwandler, Sindragosa, Der Lichkönig

Attendees 25

Items 50

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
bank icon Harbinger's Bone Band T10 0 % 0.00
bank icon Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates T10 0 % 0.00
Butter icon Blood Queen's Crimson Choker T10 0 % 30.00
Butter icon Crushing Coldwraith Belt T10 0 % 30.00
disenchanted icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification T10 5 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification T10 5 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Cryptmaker T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon San'layn Ritualist Gloves T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Tiny Abomination in a Jar T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification T10 5 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Bracers of Eternal Dreaming T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Seal of Many Mouths T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Leggings of Dying Candles T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Fleshrending Gauntlets T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Lingering Illness T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Distant Land T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 6 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Snowserpent Mail Helm T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Shoulders of Mercy Killing T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Broken Ram Skull Helm T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Nibelung T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Boots of Unnatural Growth T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification T10 5 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 6 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 6 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Toskk's Maximized Wristguards T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Sindragosa's Cruel Claw T10 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 6 % 0.00
Hazechen icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 4 % 0.00
Hazechen icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification T10 4 % 0.00
Iceball icon Marrowgar's Frigid Eye T10 0 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Noxout icon Shadowfrost Shard T10 17 % 0.00
Oqpy icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification T10 3 % 50.00
Oqpy icon Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas T10 0 % 0.00
Sanctira icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification T10 2 % 50.00
Sanctira icon Skeleton Lord's Circle T10 0 % 0.00
Wunderkind icon Dislodged Foreign Object T10 0 % 0.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 6 Priest
Abraham, Xashi
class 8 Shaman
Blazethor, Bullsrock, Iceball
class 4 Mage
Butter, Dabujin, Devoid
class 10 Warrior
Caelestis, Oqpy
class 7 Rogue
class 9 Warlock
Granti, Karras, Sarlorc, Wunderkind
class 5 Paladin
Hallina, Noxout, Perea, Sanctira
class 2 Druid
Hazechen, Nexaria
class 1 Death Knight
Macanton, Sarelidk
class 3 Hunter
Nhyssa, Penryn


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