• Saturday, 28. September 2024 05:32

eventicon54 Der Schwarze Tempel, 16. March 2022 20:15

Team Fischotter

Attendees 25

Items 31

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
Aaloy icon Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 0.00
Aaloy icon Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 0.00
Aaloy icon Band of Devastation T6 1 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Shoulders of Lightning Reflexes T6 1 % 0.00
Blazedead icon Translucent Spellthread Necklace T6 0 % 30.00
Cooruu icon Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life T6 1 % 0.00
Cooruu icon Pattern: Living Earth Bindings T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Band of Devastation T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Heartshatter Breastplate T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pillager's Gauntlets T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pattern: Swiftheal Mantle T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Fists of Mukoa T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Shoulders of the Hidden Predator T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pauldrons of Abyssal Fury T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Rifle of the Stoic Guardian T6 0 % 0.00
Egoexpress icon Leggings of Divine Retribution T6 0 % 50.00
Helluna icon Blessed Band of Karabor T6 1 % 30.00
Iceball icon Cursed Vision of Sargeras T6 0 % 50.00
Iconx icon Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 50.00
Kalashira icon Botanist's Gloves of Growth T6 0 % 40.00
Kalashira icon Blessed Band of Karabor T6 1 % 30.00
Lûcký icon Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer T6 1 % 90.00
Morgoh icon Kilt of Immortal Nature T6 0 % 0.00
Morgoh icon Belt of Divine Guidance T6 1 % 0.00
Morgoh icon Leggings of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 0.00
Morgoh icon Gloves of Unfailing Faith T6 1 % 0.00
Pentarso icon Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 50.00
Pentarso icon Ring of Captured Storms T6 0 % 30.00
Seter icon Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life T6 1 % 0.00
Souljy icon Shadowmoon Insignia T6 0 % 60.00
Souljy icon Idol of the White Stag T6 0 % 20.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 5 Paladin
Aaloy, Sassyrella
class 9 Warlock
Blazedead, Brrzl, Iconx, Necrolord, Pentarso
class 8 Shaman
Broxxar, Cooruu, Iceball, Kalashira, Seter
class 10 Warrior
Caelestis, Egoexpress, Karmuk
class 7 Rogue
class 6 Priest
Helluna, Lesgo, Xashi
class 4 Mage
Lûcký, Maiestas
class 3 Hunter
Mondrosé, Nhyssa, Sareli
class 2 Druid


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