• Thursday, 19. September 2024 20:16

eventicon54 Der Schwarze Tempel, 25. September 2022 17:45

Oberster Kriegsfürst Naj'entus, Supremus, Akamas Schemen, Teron Blutschatten, Gurtogg Siedeblut, Reliquiar der Seelen, Mutter Shahraz, Der Rat der Illidari, Illidan Sturmgrimm

Attendees 25

Items 38

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
bank icon Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress T6 0 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Shoulders of Lightning Reflexes T6 1 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life T6 1 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Swiftstrike Shoulders T6 1 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Swiftheal Mantle T6 1 % 0.00
bank icon Pattern: Shoulders of Lightning Reflexes T6 1 % 0.00
Bootyknight icon Forest Prowler's Helm T6 0 % 50.00
Bootyknight icon Pillager's Gauntlets T6 1 % 40.00
Bootyknight icon Rising Tide T6 0 % 60.00
Bootyknight icon Softstep Boots of Tracking T6 0 % 40.00
disenchanted icon Pauldrons of Abyssal Fury T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Shard of Azzinoth T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Focused Mana Bindings T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Shadow-walker's Cord T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Tide-stomper's Greaves T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Crystal Spire of Karabor T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Touch of Inspiration T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Garments of Temperance T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Vest of Mounting Assault T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pattern: Bracers of Renewed Life T6 1 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Illidari Runeshield T6 0 % 0.00
disenchanted icon Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 0.00
Dukuahdu icon Torch of the Damned T6 0 % 90.00
Dukuahdu icon Blade of Savagery T6 0 % 0.00
Dukuahdu icon Leggings of the Forgotten Protector T6 2 % 50.00
Egoista icon Leggings of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 50.00
Egoista icon Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 60.00
Egoista icon Pauldrons of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 50.00
Granti icon Cowl of Benevolence T6 0 % 50.00
Macanton icon Band of the Abyssal Lord T6 0 % 0.00
MurlocHolmes icon Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 2 % 50.00
MurlocHolmes icon Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror T6 3 % 50.00
MurlocHolmes icon Girdle of the Lightbearer T6 1 % 30.00
MurlocHolmes icon Band of Devastation T6 1 % 30.00
Sanctira icon Girdle of the Lightbearer T6 1 % 0.00
Xoraja icon Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher T6 2 % 60.00

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 1 Death Knight
Bootyknight, Macanton
class 8 Shaman
Bullsrock, Reni
class 10 Warrior
Bullvar, Dukuahdu, Nikko
class 4 Mage
Butter, Icyice
class 6 Priest
class 7 Rogue
Egoista, Undone
class 9 Warlock
Granti, Karras, Wunderkind
class 5 Paladin
Hallina, MurlocHolmes, Perea, Sanctira, Slowburn
class 2 Druid
Hazechen, Isdochegal, Xoraja
class 3 Hunter
Penryn, Sareli


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