• Sunday, 22. September 2024 13:33

Item History 9264


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
05.04.23 Pewpewmuhkuh icon Shoulderpads of Dormant Energies Ulduar T8 0.00
05.04.23 Caelestis icon Mimiron's Inferno Couplings Ulduar T8 0.00
05.04.23 Abraham icon Leviathan Fueling Manual Ulduar T8 0.00
05.04.23 disenchanted icon Gloves of the Fiery Behemoth Ulduar T8 0.00
05.04.23 disenchanted icon Valorous Frostfire Robe Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
05.04.23 Morgoh icon Furious Gladiator's Belt of Triumph Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
05.04.23 Morgoh icon Furious Gladiator's Band of Triumph Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
05.04.23 Granti icon Furious Gladiator's Felweave Handguards Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Mimiron's Head Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Morgoh icon Dark Edge of Depravity Ulduar T8 200.00
02.04.23 Butter icon Mantle of the Wayward Vanquisher Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Caelestis icon Mantle of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Chestguard of Insidious Intent Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Sanity's Bond Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Perea icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Butter icon Flare of the Heavens Ulduar T8 120.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Metallic Loop of the Sufferer Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Ninaasu icon The General's Heart Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 bank icon Plans: Plate Girdle of Righteousness Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Grips of the Unbroken Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Nexaria icon Idol of the Flourishing Life Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Shoulders of Misfortune Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Hallina icon Greaves of the Stonewarder Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Daschal's Bite Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Karras icon Conductive Seal Ulduar T8 60.00
02.04.23 Granti icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Conqueror Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Abraham icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Conqueror Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 bank icon Asimov's Drape Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Morgoh icon Bronze Pendant of the Vanir Ulduar T8 60.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Legplates of the Wayward Vanquisher Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Berama icon Legplates of the Wayward Conqueror Ulduar T8 50.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Boots of the Servant Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Perea icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Ninaasu icon Warhelm of the Champion Ulduar T8 50.00
02.04.23 Nexaria icon Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 bank icon Cowl of the Absolute Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Hallina icon Cloak of the Makers Ulduar T8 30.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Sandals of the Ancient Keeper Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Breastplate of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Breastplate of the Wayward Vanquisher Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Berama icon Frozen Loop Ulduar T8 30.00
02.04.23 Nexaria icon Constellus Ulduar T8 70.00
02.04.23 Perea icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Perea icon Unfaltering Armguards Ulduar T8 30.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Robes of the Umbral Brute Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Decimator's Armguards Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Berama icon Reply-Code Alpha Ulduar T8 60.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Fang of Oblivion Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Planewalker Treads Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Nhyssa icon Boundless Gaze Ulduar T8 50.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Insurmountable Fervor Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Darynn icon Shoulderpads of the Intruder Ulduar T8 50.00
02.04.23 Ninaasu icon Archivum Data Disc Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Unblinking Eye Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Rapture Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 bank icon Plans: Spiked Deathdealers Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Pendant of Focused Energies Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Azmok icon Sorthalis, Hammer of the Watchers Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Hallina icon Shoulderplates of the Deconstructor Ulduar T8 50.00
02.04.23 Caelestis icon Signet of the Earthshaker Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Sandals of Rash Temperament Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Helm of the Furnace Master Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 bank icon Lifeforge Breastplate Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Granti icon Scepter of Creation Ulduar T8 20.00
02.04.23 Azmok icon Sigil of Deflection Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Razorscale Shoulderguards Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Abraham icon Living Flame Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Hazechen icon Pendant of Fiery Havoc Ulduar T8 60.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Titanguard Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Rising Sun Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 Berama icon Freya's Choker of Warding Ulduar T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Valorous Cryptstalker Handguards Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
02.04.23 Azmok icon Furious Gladiator's Cloak of Victory Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
02.04.23 Azmok icon Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Victory Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
02.04.23 Iceball icon Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Victory Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
02.04.23 disenchanted icon Conqueror's Scourgestalker Handguards Emalons Kammer T8 0.00
26.03.23 Dornenrosé icon Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings Ulduar T8 60.00
26.03.23 Macanton icon Mimiron's Head Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Lûcký icon Treads of the False Oracle Ulduar T8 40.00
26.03.23 Hallina icon Earthshaper Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 disenchanted icon Shawl of Haunted Memories Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Sanctira icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Granti icon Mantle of the Wayward Conqueror Ulduar T8 50.00
26.03.23 Bullsrock icon Mantle of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Dornenrosé icon Reforged Hammer of Ancient Kings Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Ninaasu icon Pendulum of Infinity Ulduar T8 60.00
26.03.23 bank icon Darkcore Leggings Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Narazzil icon Boots of the Forgotten Depths Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Ninaasu icon Libram of the Sacred Shield Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Macanton icon Armbands of Bedlam Ulduar T8 60.00
26.03.23 Pewpewmuhkuh icon Pandora's Plea Ulduar T8 60.00
26.03.23 Iceball icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Protector Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Dornenrosé icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Macanton icon Vulmir, the Northern Tempest Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Nhyssa icon Skyforge Crossbow Ulduar T8 70.00
26.03.23 disenchanted icon Crown of the Wayward Conqueror Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Dornenrosé icon Fragment of Val'anyr Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 Abraham icon Drape of the Sullen Goddess Ulduar T8 30.00
26.03.23 Macanton icon Legplates of the Wayward Vanquisher Ulduar T8 0.00
26.03.23 disenchanted icon Leggings of the Lifetender Ulduar T8 0.00


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